Time zone UTC + 0.00
Local hour (Italy & France) + 2.00
03.00 - Departure from Golfe de Pinarellu
Coordinates 41.º40'358N 009.º22'732E
Heading: 045 degrees
Wind speed: 4 knots
Wind direction: 70 degrees from port
Water temp: 28.2 C
Barometer: 1008
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 30%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.9 knots
03.35 - Mainsail up
Coordinates 41.º42'732N 009.º25'758E
Heading: 040 degrees
Wind speed: 8.7 knots
Wind direction: 50 degrees from port
Water temp: 28.1 C
Barometer: 1008
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 30%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 4.8 knots
04.00 - Genoa
Coordinates 41.º44'131N 009.º27'819E
Heading: 040 degrees
Wind speed: 12.2 knots
Wind direction: 50 degrees from port
Water temp: 28.1 C
Barometer: 1008
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 30%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.5 knots
08.30 - Furl Genoa open Code 0C
Coordinates 42.º01'038N 009.º43'390E
Heading: 032 degrees
Wind speed: 6.8 knots
Wind direction: 90 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 28.4 C
Barometer: 1005
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 20%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 3.9 knots
12.00 - Close Code 0C, Engine on
Coordinates 42.º16'916N 009.º54'821E
Heading: 040 degrees
Wind speed: 6.4 knots
Wind direction: 100 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 29 C
Barometer: 1008
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 20%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.9 knots

Total hours of the trip: 15h
Total hours sailing: 14h
Total hours motoring: 11h
Distance: 87nm
***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.