Time zone UTC + 0.00
Local hour (Greece) + 3.00
Local hour (Albania) + 2.00
04.55 - Departure from Corfu
Coordinates 39º37’989N 19º53’627E
Wind speed: 10 knots
Barometer: 1010 atm
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 80%
Sea state: calm
05.05 - Mainsail and Genoa
Coordinates 39º38’924N 19º54’298E
Heading: 025 degrees
Wind speed: 10 knots
Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard
Barometer: 1010 atm
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 80%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.1 knots
06.15 - Furl Genoa
Coordinates 39º44’826N 20º00’609E
Heading: 023 degrees
Wind speed: 10-20 knots
Wind direction: 15 degrees from starboard
Barometer: 1010 atm
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 80%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.1 knots
As we approached h the Straits of Corfu, it was easy to see the acceleration zone, the winds being compressed in between the mountains, the white caps appearing on the sea ahead. Lessons learned, we decided to furl the headsail and go just with the Mainsail. As the winds accelerated we didn’t even experienced much speed loss without the Genoa. The two other yachts doing the same route motored through.
07.50 - Arrival to Sarandë
Coordinates 39º52’361N 20º00’609E

Total hours of the trip: 3h
Total hours sailing: 2h30
Total hours motoring: 30Min
Maximum Speed Over Ground: 7.1knots
Distance: 15nm
***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.