Time zone UTC + 0.00
Local time (Montenegro and Italy) +2.00
07.05 - Departure from Tivat Q dock (Customs dock)
Coordinates 42º26’192N 18º40’963E
Wind speed: 1.5 knots
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
08.45 - Out of Kotor/Tivat bay - Mainsail and Genoa
Coordinates 42º23’058N 18º32’125E
Heading: 215 degrees
Wind speed: 4.5 knots
Wind direction: 40 degrees from port
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 2.5 knots
13.00 - Mainsail and Genoa
Coordinates 42º11’125N 18º28’340E
Heading: 180 degrees
Wind speed: 5 knots
Wind direction: 40 degrees from starboard
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 2.5 knots
Squeezing all we can out of the light breeze so we can sail instead of motoring.
16.00 - Mainsail and Code 0C
Coordinates 41º59’775N 18º24’981E
Heading: 200 degrees
Wind speed: 7 knots
Wind direction: 90 degrees from starboard
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 4.5 knots
17.20 - Mainsail and Engine
Coordinates 41º55’083N 18º22’843E
Heading: 200 degrees
Wind speed: 4 knots
Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 6 knots
22.00 - Mainsail and Genoa (Engine off 1h earlier)
Coordinates 41º32’469N 18º13’412E
Heading: 195 degrees
Wind speed: 12.5 knots
Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5 knots
Sighted a shark fin circling next to us!
23.10 - Mainsail and Engine
Coordinates 41º27’646N 18º10’765E
Heading: 190 degrees
Wind speed: 5.5 knots
Wind direction: 180
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.2 knots
04.05 - Mainsail and Genoa
Coordinates 41º02’621N 18º04’207E
Heading: 197 degrees
Wind speed: 13 knots
Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard
Cloud coverage: 30%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 5.2 knots
06.05 - Mainsail and Code 0C
Coordinates 40º52’992N 18º00’823E
Wind speed: 10.5 knots
Wind direction: 110 degrees from starboard
Cloud coverage: 30%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 4.5 knots
09.30 - Arrival to Brindisi, Italy
Coordinates 40º38’478N 17º56’851E
Arrived to the Town Quay, dock alongside next to 3 50ft catamarans, seems like we are the little ones here tonight.
Total hours of the trip: 26h25
Total hours sailing: 6h25
Total hours motoring: 1h45
Total hours motor-sailing: 8h15
Maximum Speed Over Ground: 7.4knots
Distance: 123nm
***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.