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2019-08-29&30 Brindisi, Italy > N. Othonoi, Greece

Writer's picture: Sailing The DreamSailing The Dream

Time zone UTC + 0.00

Local time (Italy) +2.00

Local time (Greece) +3.00

06.30 - Departure from Brindisi Town Quay

Coordinates 40º38’478N 17º56’851E

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

07.20 - Outer harbour - Mainsail and Genoa

Coordinates 40º39’461N 18º01’127E

Heading: 100 degrees

Wind speed: 6.5 knots

Wind direction: 110 degrees from port

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 3.5 knots

Around 1 hour after exiting the outer harbour we got called by the Brindisi Coast Guard to participate on a Search and Rescue mission. the instructions were to keep a lookout while sailing in our course for a shallow water diver. At our speed we stayed for quite awhile in the area of the search but we didn’t see anything of help.

13.00 - Tuna!!!

Heading: 140 degrees

Wind speed: 7 knots

Wind direction: 110 degrees from port

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 4.5 knots

1.5 meter tuna chasing the stern of The Dream

A 1.5 metres tuna (maybe a Bluefin Tuna) came to have a sneak peak of our stern for a couple of minutes. At first we thought it was a baby shark because it was so wide but as it came closer to the stern we could easily identify it as a tuna. The only doubt still remains, was it a Bluefin or a Yellowfin?

Wrong time of the day to fish one of these beasts.

1.5 meter tuna chasing the stern of The Dream

19.00 - Mainsail and 2 Reefs on Genoa

Coordinates 40º10’410N 18º54’512E

Heading: 125 degrees

Wind speed: 12 knots

Wind direction: 90 degrees from port

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5.3 knots

We put two reefs on the Genoa to slow us down so we could arrive early morning opposed to late night.

20.00 - Mainsail 1 Reef, furl Genoa

Coordinates 40º07’430N 19º00’666E

Heading: 110 degrees

Wind speed: 13 knots

Wind direction: 110 degrees from port

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: chop and rolly

SOG: 4.2 knots

As we enter Greek waters and the depths start decreasing seas are getting really confused, the cargo ships passing in all directions is causing waves from all directions.

00.40 - Arrival to N. Othonoi, Greece

Coordinates 39º50’416N 19º24’164E

Total hours of the trip: 18h10

Total hours sailing: 15h10

Total hours motoring: 1h

Total hours motor-sailing: 2h

Maximum Speed Over Ground: 7knots

Distance: 87nm

***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.



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