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The unique experience of crossing such a busy Sea, the preparation, routes and challenges...
In between the South of Europe and the North of Africa, so much to explore.
Where have we been?

May 18, 2022
Sailing from Gibraltar to Lisbon, Portugal - Aka Orcas Lane!
Moment of panic, were they Orcas or just dolphins? Two more sightings with the binoculars confirmed they were Orcas coming in our direction

May 12, 2022
Sailing West along the coastline of Southern Europe - France to Gibraltar
Eyes glued on the water, Ella going crazy and there it was a huge whale surfacing 50-100 meters to our starboard!

Apr 23, 2022
Crossing the Bonifacio Strait and making way to mainland France
We took a sneaky short cut exiting the Ajaccio gulf by passing in between the Iles Sanguinaires (the Bloodthirsty islands, interesting name)

Apr 16, 2022
Crossing the Tyrrhenian
The boom jumped further to port side with a slam and stayed in that position. The German Mainsheet system looked weird but it was not broken

Apr 15, 2022
Crossing the Messina Strait
At this point we experienced 3 knots of current against us. Running the engine at 2000RPMs we were only doing slightly above 3knots of speed

Apr 8, 2022
Crossing the Ionian
Think it’s safe to say that at this point we both felt this was more than we had bargain for, the winds were way stronger than forecasted

Apr 2, 2022
Crossing the Aegean
I woke up due to the rolling swell and feeling really cold. John was furling the Jib, the winds had just picked up that extra notch

Sailing The Dream
Sep 16, 2021
2020 Fuel, engine hours & nautical miles summary
So what do we have to say about our favourite taboo subject, that no one really wants to discuss, in the year of 2020? Seems like...

Sailing The Dream
Mar 29, 2021
2020 Budget
The time spent in lockdowns and repairs under insurance in cheap or affordable countries allowed us to keep the budget controlled.
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